What is a Dental Implant?
A dental implant refers to the advanced technology of replacing a missing tooth with an artificial one that mimics the entire tooth structure, including the roots. In short, dental implants refers to the total replacement of a tooth. This tooth implant is broken down into three main parts: the post, abutment, and restoration.
The post part of the dental implant looks like a screw that is made from titanium. This titanium post is integrated into the jawbone like a tooth root and supports the crown, bridge, or denture. Once the post part is attached, the abutment is attached to the post, and then the restoration or the crown is attached to the abutment.
After the installation of the dental implant, the tooth looks, feels, and acts exactly the same as that of a real tooth. So, if you want to get dental implants, you can just go for it. Just visit a nearby dental clinic and get the service. For instance, if you live in Ottawa and want to get a dental implant there, you can visit the Ottawa Denture Implant Centre. However, if you want to learn more about it before getting the dental implant treatment, continue reading this article.
Why Get a Dental Implant?
Are you confused whether getting dental implant treatment will be the right thing to do or not? Well, it is definitely the right decision if you want to have your tooth and continue using it. We have listed a few benefits of getting dental implants. Once you go through them, things will be clearer to you. So, let’s see the advantages now!
- Behave Like Natural Teeth
This is probably the best reason why you should get dental implants. Dental implants offer you the chewing ability. People who get dental implant treatment find it hard to tell the difference between dental implants and natural teeth. They can be perfectly used as natural teeth and do chewing, brushing, and flossing.
- Keep Adjacent Teeth Stable
After a decayed or damaged tooth gets removed, there is a gap left between the other adjacent teeth. This gap can cause the adjacent teeth to crookedly shift towards the gap. This can make the teeth get out of their position and affect biting, chewing, and even appearance. In addition to that, these teeth can even have interference that will make tooth replacement difficult, if it is required later. Other than that, you might have to deal with a poor bite, causing pain and headaches. So, to avoid these kinds of adverse situations, it is better to get a dental implant.
- Last a Lifetime
You must have heard about a dental bridge. Dental bridges can last up to at most 10 years, whereas dental implants can last lifelong. As you have read above, the implants are made from titanium and are attached to the jawbone. It can last forever if you take proper care of it.
- Keep Gum Free of Disease
When you have a tooth missing in your mouth, there are chances that the area acts as a trap for food and bacteria. This area can become prone to bacterial infection, causing gum diseases or painful gums. So, it is better to fill the gap with dental implants.
Who Is the Right Candidate to Get a Dental Implant?
If you are wondering whether you can get a dental implant or not, just refer to the following points. You can go for the treatment if you have/are:
- one or more missing teeth
- broken or decayed teeth
- uncomfortable with your present dentures, partial denture, or bridge
The Final Thoughts
So, by now, you have understood the benefits of getting a dental implant. If you think you are eligible for the treatment, just visit your nearest dental clinic and receive the treatment. Like, if you live in Ottawa and want to get the treatment there, you can just visit the Ottawa Denture Implant Centre and get the implants. Receiving the treatment is not a big deal. If you feel the need, go for the treatment without thinking much!