Quick & Easy Guide to Labor & Employment Law: Arizona Overtime Lawyers

The Arizona Employment Law Guide is written by a team of attorneys with extensive experience in this area. It offers insight into the rights of employees and their rights to overtime pay. If you have a question about whether your employer is in violation of the law, it is a good idea to contact a Phoenix employment lawyer.
U.S. Department of Labor
You have the right to sue your employer if you believe that your employer is not paying you overtime. However, you must first file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor. These agencies can investigate your complaint if it is a matter of federal law. The next step in this process is to speak with an experienced Arizona overtime lawyers. They can help you determine your eligibility for overtime and help you file a successful case.
How to Receive Overtime Compensation?
In order to receive overtime compensation, employees must work more than forty hours in a workweek. Federal laws govern overtime pay and require employers to pay their eligible employees 1.5 times their standard rate of pay. Some jobs are exempt from overtime pay, however. These include drivers, executives, and certain administrative positions. However, employers can still pay their exempt employees overtime, as long as they clearly define their job roles.
Help of Arizona Overtime Lawyer
If you are underpaid for overtime work, you may want to seek the help of an Arizona overtime lawyer. Many workers depend on overtime pay to support their families, but many employers try to take advantage of employees by denying them their right to overtime pay. While many employers make honest mistakes, others intentionally try to cheat their employees. The Economic Policy Institute estimates that as many as $50 billion in wages are lost each year because of wage theft.
Non-Exempt Workers Overtime
Arizona overtime lawyers can help you understand your rights and the laws regarding overtime pay. Arizona does not have its own overtime laws, but it follows federal laws. Arizona’s Fair Labor Standards Act requires covered employers to pay non-exempt workers overtime, which is 1.5 times their regular pay. Federal laws also mandate that employers keep records of their employees’ hours and pay. In addition, there is no limit on the number of hours that an employee must work in a workweek in order to qualify for overtime.
Affordable Care Act
The Arizona workweek is seven days long. In addition, a part-time employee can work up to thirty hours per week. This amounts to 130 hours per month. Full-time employees work forty hours per week. In Arizona, the Affordable Care Act defines full-time employment as any position that involves more than thirty hours per week. However, it is important to consult with your employer about whether or not you are a full-time employee.
Federal Law Governing Overtime Pay
Arizona overtime lawyers can help you understand the federal law governing overtime pay. Overtime is legally required for non-exempt employees who work 40 hours or more per week. The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that they be paid at least 150 percent of their hourly wage.
McAfee & Taft attorneys are aggressive litigators who strive to resolve cases efficiently and quickly. Their goal is to get favorable settlement terms before the legal costs mount. This approach has earned them a good reputation in the plaintiff’s bar and courts. They can help you protect your rights and interests. With the right attorney, you can rest assured that you are in the best possible hands.
Advantage of Employees
The laws regarding overtime pay vary from state to state, but in general, workers are entitled to additional money if their employers fail to provide it. However, some businesses take advantage of their employees by forcing them to work longer hours without paying them for overtime. This is illegal in Arizona, and violating the laws can lead to a lawsuit.
If you believe that you have been wrongfully denied overtime pay, you can consult with an Arizona Overtime Lawyer to determine whether you have a claim. Depending on the circumstances, an overtime attorney may be able to file a claim with the appropriate government agency or bring a private lawsuit to recover your wages.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Overtime pay is required under federal and state laws for non-exempt employees in Arizona. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an employee is entitled to 1.5 times their regular wage. In addition, bonuses and commissions must be included in the overtime rate. Generally, overtime begins after forty hours of work, or seven consecutive twenty-four-hour periods.
Final Thoughts:
There are several exceptions to this law in Arizona. For example, outside salespeople and some types of government employees are not covered by Arizona overtime laws. Furthermore, employees are not entitled to overtime pay if they work on weekends or holidays. If your employer is violating these laws, contact an experienced Arizona Overtime Lawyer to fight for your rights and recover your lost wages.