Busting the Myths Related to Vision Therapy

The world of vision therapy and neuro-optometric rehabilitation is rapidly increasing, bringing a better virtual aspect understanding of concussion and response to the advancing diagnostic technology. With the increasing number of patients with vision problems and disorders, multiple myths surround vision health, making the primary optometry vision care lag behind.
Here are some of the busted myths related to vision health and care.
- Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses Weaken Your Eyes
Research reveals that it is essential to use optical corrections for clear vision but not worsen the optical treatment.
Contact lenses and eyeglasses effectively correct refractive faults like hyperopia, myopia, or astigmatism but do not weaken your eyes. You can wear your contact lenses for regular and clear vision but won’t tamper with your eyes.
Your eyes weaken as you age, resulting in vision changes even though the health of your eyes is perfect. In case of a worsening eye vision, contact an optician immediately as the cause could be an eye condition, disease, or injury and need immediate medical attention.
- Vision Care is for Children
The truth is that vision care, and rehabilitation is helpful and essential for patients of all ages as it enhances visual functionality and specific needs. Their eyes impact the ability of children to perform and read well in school, ability to recover from brain injuries, concussion, or stroke, and athletes’ ability to perform better in the field depending on specific virtual skills training or rehabilitation.
- Crossing Your Eyes makes them Stay that Way
Permanently crossed eyes aren’t a result of regular and conscious crossing. Instead, crossed eyes result from an eye condition known as amblyopic (lazy eyes) or strabismus (eye turns). Lazy eyes or eye turns that impact life doesn’t fade spontaneously. With the help of an optician and vision therapy commitment plans, it is easier to address the conditions and, in most instances, reverse them entirely.
If your child has crossed eyes, it may result from muscles and nerves. When crossed eyes are noticeable at a tender age, preventing and treating them sooner is easier. Ensure you take your child for regular eye checkups to determine rising eye problems and disorders and get treatments immediately.
4. 20/20 Eye Vision indicates you have Healthy Eyes
People with 20/20 vision have a clear and healthy central vision. However, the eyes can have significant vision issues that may tamper with their eyes’ health. While it is essential to have the 20/20 vision, it is not a guarantee for healthy eyes.
Your eyesight may be 20/20, but they can be affected by several eye problems like corneal conditions, glaucoma, and retinal disease. Losing sight after being affected by these eye problems is unnoticeable for a long time until you lose your vision or your eyes are permanently damaged.
A 20/20 vision doesn’t guarantee visual skills mastery like discrepancy and convergence, accommodation, and visual tracking. The skills are beneficial and ensure success in school and at work.
Scheduling an appointment with your local optician will help identify essential vision skills and the best test for upcoming eye disease signs.
5. Loss of Vision is Unpreventable
A significant percentage of vision loss can be barred by early treatment and detections.
Opticians are well trained and equipped with the right equipment to care for your eyes through diagnosis, prediction, and minimizing vision loss. Suppose you are experiencing any vision changes like large vision floaters, blurry vision, eye pain, or light flashes in the peripheral or central vision. In that case, your optician will examine it and identify the problem and prescribe the proper treatment.
Most severe eye problems like glaucoma are rarely detectable until their symptoms cause permanent damage to your eyes. It is essential to schedule a comprehensive regular eye examination with your optician to unveil and treat these conditions before they cause further and long-lasting damage to your eyes.
There are more myths related to vision care, and the above are just a few. We have heard of other myths like carrots enhancing our visions, poor lights can damage our eyes, and regular visiting an optician is unnecessary. However, scientists are coming up with precise facts of busting these myths. Ensure you know enough about eye and vision care before believing in circulating hearsays.