Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body becomes hyperactive and assaults normal, healthy tissue over time. Symptoms include inflammation, swelling, joints, skin, kidneys, blood, heart, and lung damage.
According to the study, roughly 16,000 new cases of lupus are reported each year in the United States, with up to 1.5 million people living with the disease.
Lupus is a non-infectious disease. It cannot be passed on to another person sexually or in any other way. Women with lupus, on the other hand, may give birth to children who develop a version of the disease.
What’s the problem?
Antigens such as viruses, bacteria, and germs are combated by the immune system, which protects the body. It accomplishes this by generating antibodies, which are proteins. These antibodies are made by B lymphocytes, which are white blood cells.
When a person develops an autoimmune disease like lupus, their immune system is unable to distinguish between harmful molecules (antigens) and healthy tissue.
Antibodies are directed by the immune system against both healthy tissue and antigens. Swelling, discomfort, and tissue damage result as a result of this.
Antinuclear antibodies are the most common form of autoantibody seen in people with lupus. The Antinuclear antibodies react with sections of the cell’s nucleus, which serves as the cell’s command center.
Although auto antibodies circulate in the blood, some cells in the body have porous barriers that allow some auto antibodies to pass through.
The auto antibodies can then go after the DNA in these cells’ nuclei. This is why some organs are affected by lupus while others are not.
What causes the immune system to malfunction?
Several hereditary variables are thought to have a role in the progression of systemic lupus erythematosus.
The immune system is aided by some genes in the body. Changes in these genes may cause the immune system to malfunction in people with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Some scientists believe that the body does not get rid of dead cells for genetic reasons. These dead cells can create substances that damage the immune system.
Lupus Signs and Symptoms
Lupus symptoms differ from one person to the next. Some people experience a small number of symptoms, while others have a large number.
Any region of your body can be affected by lupus. Symptoms that are common include:
- Joint pain (arthralgia)
- A fever of more than 100 F
- Inflammation of the joints (arthritis)
- Fatigue that is persistent or severe
- Rashes on the skin
- swollen ankles
- When you take a deep breath, it causes pain in your chest.
- A rash in the shape of a butterfly spreads across your cheeks and nose (malar rash).
- Hair loss is a common problem.
- Sensitivity to light from the sun or other sources
- Seizures
- Sores in the mouth or nose
- When you’re chilly or agitated, your fingers or toes turn pale or purple.
Nervous System
The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), as well as the peripheral nervous system, might be affected by lupus. Lupus can target the neurological system by binding antibodies to nerve cells or the blood arteries that nourish them, or by blocking nerve blood flow.
Lupus can cause blood vessel abnormalities through a variety of processes, including inflammation. High fevers, seizures, psychosis, neck stiffness, severe headaches, depression, encephalopathy, and coma are all signs and symptoms of central nervous system vascular involvement. These things affect your nerves and because you nerve pain and control nerve pain Gabapentin 400 mg is one of the safest options.
Seizures and strokes can happen without having vacuities, and they may be linked to auto antibodies that raise the risk of stroke. Seizures in association with lupus can be treated with Gabapentin and if you are taking the proper dosage, you can treat it easily.
Lupus patients may have confusion, trouble expressing themselves, and memory loss at some point in their lives, all of which are symptoms of the disease.
Cognitive dysfunction is the umbrella term for various indications and symptoms. It’s unclear why they’re related to lupus.
What Your Doctor Is Looking For
It’s critical to inform your doctor if you’re experiencing any indications or symptoms that could be related to your nervous system. Your doctor will want to figure out what’s causing the problem. Suppose lupus is associated with seizures, then your doctor may prescribe you Gabapentin 400mg.
He may perform a physical examination as well as a laboratory evaluation, which may include blood testing and urine. Specific tests and exams to determine and detect nervous system involvement in lupus patients.
Your medicine has an important impact on the course of your condition and the frequency of flares. Nerve pain is getting worse with time. You must take medicines like Gabapentin 400 to reduce nerve pain. It could be hard to remember if you should take them, particularly if you’re not used to taking medication.