Use influencer marketing effectively

Social media has become an integral part of the modern marketing mix. More and more companies are represented on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, because potential customers also move here. An increasingly important part of social media marketing is advertising in cooperation with influencers. But what exactly is influencer marketing and how does a company manage to increase its reach?
What is influencer marketing?
How do I generate reach through influencer marketing?
Case Study: Pre-Opening Event of the 3D TrickArt Museum Rostock
Influencers (based on the English to influence) are users of international social media networks (primarily Instagram or YouTube), who have a particularly strong presence and a high reach there. In influencer marketing, these opinion leaders are involved. The goal of influencer marketing is, among other things, to use the personal loyalty of followers to the influencer to create a positive brand feeling. Influencer marketing offers special potential compared to conventional advertising, because by recommending the influencers, trust in a brand can be built up with potential customers. In addition, influencers can make a significant contribution to increasing brand awareness through their high reach.
But how do you increase your reach most effectively through influencer marketing? Actually, it is obvious: The high number of followers of the influencers can help you to increase your company reach. But how do you manage to present your brand in such a way that it arouses the interest of followers? Influencer events are a good way to do this. Here, companies invite influencers who fit their brand or products to reach potential customers. We will show you what such an event can look like in our case study.
On October 1, 2020, a new 3D TrickArt Museum opened in Rostock. With this trend, which came from Asia to Germany, guests can immerse themselves in the world of optical illusions and take exciting photos and shoot videos in front of a variety of graphics. As part of the online marketing concept, viminds supervised and initiated, among other things, an influencer event for the 3D TrickArt Museum.Wetter Werner 3D Trickart
The aim was to increase the awareness of the museum in order to be able to attract as many guests as possible to the opening and in the first days after the opening and to increase sales in the long term. To achieve this, we designed a pre-opening event that would give selected guests an exclusive glimpse of the museum a week before the official opening.
In total, almost a dozen micro-influencers from Rostock and the region were invited to the pre-opening event. They were asked in advance to accompany the event on their social media channels.
Micro-influencers are opinion leaders on social platforms who have a comparatively low number of followers. When a user counts as a micro-influencer is not exactly defined. As a rule, a reach of 1000 – 10,000 followers is mentioned as decisive. An advantage of these “small” influencers is that they often have a higher authenticity and a stronger bond with their followers.
On the day of the pre-opening event, the influencers were the first to gain an insight into the interactive exhibition of the 3D TrickArt Museum before the official opening. They also shared their impressions with their followers on Instagram and TikTok. The event thus increased the awareness of the museum, which was reflected, among other things, in a significant increase in the followers of the 3D TrickArt Instagram account.
In addition, the event increased the number of new website users by around 446% and even sales by around 372%.
So it turns out that influencer marketing can be worthwhile. This international marketing strategy is particularly interesting for companies with a young target group. By cooperating with influencers with a wide reach, the awareness and popularity of a product or a company can be efficiently increased. For the success of the campaign, it is essential to give the influencers the opportunity to present the brand or product in an exciting way. An influencer event can offer a good solution for this.