Safety Tips For People Who Regularly Ride Motorcycles

Unfortunately, the number of motorcycle accidents is extremely high, and most happen due to negligence or improper driving of the vehicle. Other causes might be bad weather, lack of air in tires, obstacles on the road, or simply due to a sharp maneuver leading the driver to lose control over the vehicle. With so many things influencing your driving and causing potential accidents, you might want to make sure to avoid them by following simple and effective tips.
You are almost invisible
Keep in mind that you are virtually invisible to the drivers of other vehicles on the road. Never do a maneuver assuming the motorist saw you. Never, even when you have established eye contact. Always point your hand to plan a turn, turn on the turn signal and watch in the rearview mirror what is happening behind you.
Wearing the appropriate clothing
Even if you are planning a short trip, it does not mean that you are safe and that you cannot fall. It is not the rule to fall only when going for a ride 100 km from the house. High temperatures are not an excuse not to wear equipment. Equipment is key to maintaining your health in the event of a fall, so make sure you always wear a helmet, a suitable jacket, and knee and elbow pads.
This equipment can also be found at a discount, so avoid second-hand unless it is in excellent shape and can withstand some beating.
Adhere to the rules of the road
One simple rule to live by is adhering to traffic rules and regulations. Smart people have put a lot of effort into making these rules after a long history of traffic accidents and misfortunes. These rules are fixed and always to be obeyed, as they can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Unfortunately, sometimes it is someone else’s negligence that causes the accident and might result in your being injured. As explained by a motorcycle accident lawyer in Midwest City, nearly 1,000 people are injured in motorcycle accidents in Oklahoma each year, and this can put quite a financial strain on the family. With you not being able to work, the bills are only adding up and your medical costs might be astronomical. In such instances, it is always smart to seek the help of an attorney and consult yourself regarding the issue. Think of the emotional trauma and all the consequences that follow the accident, and also make sure to act on time. It seems, sometimes, you have to respect the rules of the traffic and think of the intentions of the driver behind you to avoid a collision.
Check your ride beforehand
Make sure to regularly inspect your vehicle, especially before going on a longer trip. Look at the tires, possible oil leakage, and if the engine is working properly. If you are hearing a weird noise coming from the engine, or you’ve noticed your brakes are a little loose, act immediately and take your bike to the mechanic. Don’t risk your life over a little mechanical malfunction.
Look at the weather forecast
Always check the weather before hitting the road. Yes, you can drive on a wet road or a snowy one, but you’ll also expose yourself to a higher chance of getting involved in an accident. We advise you to always look at what the weatherman has to say before hopping on. In the case of bad weather, even the smallest obstacle on the road can cause you to fall off and injure yourself, and during winter, make sure to switch to winter tires, which are designed to stick to the asphalt when icy.
Make sure others can see you clearly
One simple way to prevent accidents from happening is almost always by making yourself visible. Wear something which will attract the attention of other drivers, maybe a fluorescent vest or some bright colors. This should be the rule, especially during the time when visibility is reduced due to the lack of light.
Also, make sure to never fall for any road provocations. We know it might be tempting to get into a race with another driver, but the chance of an accident is that much higher if you engage in such an endeavor. Just skip it, or leave it be, as it is not worth your life. Also, look after drivers who “love” speeding, as they only bring trouble with them. Let them pass as they are obviously in a hurry to get somewhere.
The last piece of advice is to take it slow when getting into a curve, hit the brakes, and make a slow left or right turn. There have been numerous instances where people have hit the brim of the road and fallen off because of high speeds.