No Idea About What is SEO? Here Are Some Basic SEO Tips To Get You Started

If you have been wondering what SEO is, it is the process of attempting to rank your site as much as possible on search-results sites such as Google and Bing and this is something that a company must have as a component of its overall growth plan.
At its most basic level, “SEO” refers to the process of determining how to improve the visibility of your website in search results for online users. In most cases, this results in increased visitors to your website.
However, while intensive SEO might include sophisticated site reconstruction with the assistance of a business or a consultant that specializes in this field, there are a few basic actions you can do to improve your search engine rating on your own. Simply putting in some effort and rethinking your approach to the material on your website will suffice to achieve your goals.
Tip #1: Keep an eye on where you stand.
You can’t really know whether or not your Strategies are effective unless you keep track of your search rankings. It has been recommended that you keep a watch on your page ranking with tools like Alexa and the Google toolbar, according to the publication.
Furthermore, it is also crucial to check your referrer log on a regular basis in order to keep track of where your users are coming from and what search phrases they are using to locate your site.
Tip #2: Keywords, keywords, and even more keywords!
You should be careful of including relevant keywords in every area of your website, including the titles, content, URLs, and picture names, among other places. Consider your keywords in the context of search phrases — how would someone seeking information on this issue look for it in a search engine?
It has been said that the title tag and the page header are the two most crucial places to include keywords, but, always take note that stuffing your website with excessive quantities of keywords can result in you being tagged as spam, and search engine spiders are intended to avoid sites that engage in “keyword stuffing”, so always make use of keywords in a smart manner.
Tip #3: Link back to your own website.
According to SEO Consult, there is arguably no more fundamental SEO approach than the incorporation of internal links into your website — it is a simple method to increase traffic to certain pages on your site.
When developing fresh material, you should make it a common practice to link back to your archives on a regular basis. It was recommended that you should additionally optimize the anchor text for search engines, as follows: When consumers search for relevant phrases, the more probable it is that the page will show in search results when they run a query including those terms, according to Google.
As with all other SEO strategies, make sure your links are relevant and avoid crossing the line into unnecessary linking — you don’t really want your users to become irritated by your efforts.
Tip #4: Construct a sitemap.
By including a site map – a page listing and connecting to all of your site’s important pages – you make it easier for spiders to index your site. This is because the fewer clicks required to access a certain page on your website, the better it is going to be.
Tip #5: Optimize URLs.
By labeling your URLs with descriptive keywords, you may make them more search engine friendly.
It was explained in an SEO Consult that having a URL of “’’ is easier to understand as compared to an in-house classification system of the business which uses “”, even having a dynamic URL is similarly off-putting even if there are recognizable words in it.
Tip #6: Try to avoid using flash.
While Flash is visually appealing, it contributes nothing to your SEO, as the Search Engine Journal reports that “Frames, Flash, and AJAX all suffer from the same limitation — they cannot be linked to a single page so it is better to avoid using frames at all costs and make limited use of Flash and AJAX for the greatest SEO outcomes. So, if you definitely must have a splash page that is entirely Flash or a single large picture as your main page, add text and navigation links under the fold.
Tip #7: Caption Images.
Spiders can only search text, not text incorporated in images, which is why the captions for your photographs should be as descriptive as possible.
Start with your image titles: by including a keyword-rich description in the “ALT” tag for each image on your site, you can provide a keyword-rich explanation. Perfect Optimization offers a straightforward technique for doing this.
The visual content that surrounds your photos benefits SEO: MarketPosition suggests including descriptions for each image and also being descriptive in the text just beneath the photographs.
Tip #8: Write Content.
Your material must be current; upgrading frequently and frequently is critical for traffic growth. It was mentioned that the greatest websites for visitors, and hence search engines, are constantly updated with helpful information about a certain service, product, topic, or specialty.
Integrating a blog is one approach to ensure that your site receives fresh information on a regular basis. “Encourage the owner or CEO to blog. It is absolutely priceless! “As suggested by the Search Engine Journal. An executive blog is a wonderful method to connect with your clients, increase internal and external linking opportunities, and give your site a more unique voice.
Tip #9: Distribution via social media
A CEO blog is simply one component of social media distribution, which SEO Consult considers to be a critical SEO strategy. Distribute connections to new material on your site via suitable social networking channels.
Whether your links are posted on your company’s account or are suggested, re-tweeted, and re-distributed by others, this method exponentially multiplies the number of venues where visitors will see your links.
Tip #10: Connect with others
Establishing partnerships with other websites is a simple approach to increase traffic to your site.
PC World recommends that you directly contact webmasters of reputable websites and request that they incorporate a link to your site on theirs. Make certain to reciprocate — that way, everyone wins!
Naturally, ensure that your companion has a positive online reputation. Becoming entangled with a “link farm” whose poor SEO practices might work against you is also something that has been cautioned.